Galeri Kementerian LHK, Gubri dan Bupati Rohul Tanam Bibit Aren di Gapoktan HKm Rawa Seribu Aniaya dan Ancam Warga Pakai Parang, Residivis Ini Ditahan Polisi Unjuk Rasa Berujung Kekerasan
30 Orang di Amankan, 3 Ditetapkan Tersangka
Kerugian Ditaksir Capai Ratusan Juta
4 Unit Rumah Semi Permanen di Tandun Hangus Dilahap Sijago Merah
Hadiri Silaturahmi Paguyuban Misuri
Bupati Sukiman Komit Kembangkan Kesenian Budaya di Rohul

Sosial · 9 Jun 2021 03:28 WIB ·

BookTrib’s BookBites: Thrills, Chills, Intrigue and Helping Children Learn

There are all sorts of models out there, and experts say the biggest challenge is finding one that works with minimal interference from other nearby electronic products. Perbesar

There are all sorts of models out there, and experts say the biggest challenge is finding one that works with minimal interference from other nearby electronic products.

“Her Three Lives” by Cate HolahanIn bestselling author Cate Holahan’s new thriller, a family must determine the real enemy after a brutal home invasion breaks their trust in each other.Jade Thompson is an up-and-coming social media influencer with a beautiful new home and successful fiancé. But there’s trouble. Greg’s suburban Connecticut upbringing isn’t an easy match with her Caribbean roots.Then a savage home invasion leaves Greg with a brain injury and glued to the feeds from his security cameras. As police investigate, Jade begins to wonder what Greg may know about their attackers.Greg becomes convinced Jade’s behavior is suspicious and wonders whether the break-in was really random. And whether he’s worth more to Jade dead than alive. Purchase at

“Ruby Falls” by Deborah Goodrich Royce”Imaginative, unique, spine-tingling,” says New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown.Like the chilling psychological thriller, “The Silent Patient,” “Ruby Falls” is a nail-biting tale of a fragile young actress, the new husband she barely knows, and her growing suspicion that the secrets he harbors may eclipse her own.In this thrilling and twisty homage to Daphne du Maurier’s “Rebecca,” the story ricochets through the streets of Los Angeles, a dangerous marriage to an exotic stranger, and the mind of a young woman whose past may not release her. “Secrets abound in this bang of a book, a haunting tale … a stunner with serious Gothic vibes,” says bestselling author Kimberly Belle. Purchase at

“Under the Southern Sky” by Kristy Woodson HarveyRecently separated Amelia Buxton, a dedicated journalist, never expected that uncovering the biggest story of her career would become deeply personal. But when she discovers that a cluster of embryos belonging to her childhood friend Parker and his late wife Greer have been deemed “abandoned,” she’s put in the unenviable position of telling Parker — and dredging up old wounds.Parker has been unable to move forward since the loss of his wife. He has all but forgotten about the frozen embryos, but once Amelia reveals her discovery, he knows if he ever wants to get a part of Greer back, he’ll need to accept his fate as a single father and find a surrogate. Purchase at

“Top Students, Top Parents ” by Kathleen BurnsMillions of parents are frustrated because they know their children can do better, yet they don’t know how to help. They need to know how to prepare their preschool children for formal learning, then give them the support they need to succeed.This how-to manual is packed with fun and creative activities, giving parents tools to make their children’s education a vital part of daily living and child care. Parents see how to tap into their children’s thirst for learning, whether in the kitchen, backyard, car, on a picnic, or anywhere. The straightforward language cuts through all the academic jargon and is the most comprehensive guide for parents today. Purchase at is presented by

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